CASE STUDY: Enhancing Safety and Reducing Costs with the Installation of a BearSafety Clatter Bar

CASE STUDY: Enhancing Safety and Reducing Costs with the Installation of a BearSafety Clatter Bar

Posted by GearbyBear Team on


Company Overview

XYZ Logistics is a leading provider of cold storage solutions, specializing in the handling and distribution of perishable goods. Operating a 50,000 square foot facility, XYZ Logistics ensures that products such as dairy, meat, and fresh produce are stored and transported under optimal conditions to maintain freshness and quality. 


The Challenge 

The facility's layout includes a high-traffic thoroughfare where forklifts (FLT) and other material handling equipment constantly move in and out of a critical under mezz area with a speed door. This door provides access to one of the main refrigerated storage areas. Unfortunately, frequent accidents caused by careless FLT drivers had resulted in repeated damage to this speed door.



The repercussions of these accidents were severe: 

Frequent Repairs: The cost of repairing the speed door added up quickly, with each incident costing thousands of dollars. 

Operational Downtime: Every repair led to downtime, disrupting the workflow and delaying the movement of goods. 

Emergency Storage: Damaged doors compromised the temperature control in the storage area, necessitating the emergency relocation of perishable goods to maintain their integrity. This not only incurred additional costs but also posed a risk to the quality of the goods. 



The Solution 



To address these challenges, XYZ Logistics decided to install a BearSafety Clatter Bar. The BearSafety Clatter Bar is designed to protect doorways and other vulnerable structures in high-traffic areas from impact damage. Its robust construction and strategic placement provide an effective barrier against collisions, minimizing the risk of damage from FLTs and other equipment. 



The installation process was straightforward and carried out in a matter of minutes to avoid any disruption to normal operations. The BearSafety Clatter Bar was positioned at key points around the facility to provide maximum protection. 





The implementation of the BearSafety Clatter Bar yielded significant positive outcomes for XYZ Logistics: 

Reduction in Door Damage: Since the installation, incidents of damage to the speed door have been virtually eliminated. The clatter bar effectively absorbs and deflects the impact from FLTs, preventing the door from sustaining damage. 

Cost Savings: With the reduction in damage, repair costs have dropped significantly. XYZ Logistics has saved an estimated $50,000 annually in repair expenses alone. 

Operational Efficiency: The elimination of door damage and the subsequent need for emergency repairs have resulted in smoother operations. There is no longer any need to halt operations for door repairs, leading to improved workflow and productivity. 

Product Integrity: By maintaining the integrity of the refrigerated storage area, the company has ensured that perishable goods remain in optimal conditions. This has reduced the need for emergency relocations and protected the quality of the products. 

Enhanced Safety: The presence of the clatter bar has also improved overall safety in the facility. FLT drivers are now more aware of the protected area and drive more cautiously, reducing the risk of accidents. 



The installation of the BearSafety Clatter Bar has proven to be a strategic investment for XYZ Logistics. By protecting the low-speed door in a high-traffic area, the company has significantly reduced repair costs, improved operational efficiency, and ensured the integrity of its perishable goods. This case study demonstrates the value of proactive measures in enhancing facility safety and operational effectiveness in logistics and cold storage environments. 




John Doe, Operations Manager at XYZ Logistics, stated, "The BearSafety Clatter Bar has been a game-changer for our facility. Not only have we cut down on repair costs, but we've also seen a marked improvement in our operational flow. It's a small investment that has yielded substantial returns." 


Jane Smith, Senior FLT Driver, added, "The clatter bar installation has made us more aware of our driving habits. It's a constant reminder to be cautious and considerate, which has made our work environment safer for everyone." 


Future Outlook 

Building on the success of the BearSafety Clatter Bar, XYZ Logistics plans to evaluate other areas in the facility where similar protective measures can be implemented. The company is committed to continuous improvement and maintaining the highest standards of safety and efficiency in its operations. 


Disclaimer: This case study is based on real applications of our safety solutions. Company names and specific details have been altered to protect client confidentiality. Images may be from actual sites or stock photos for illustration. While core facts and outcomes are accurate, some aspects may be generalized to ensure anonymity. This document demonstrates typical benefits of our safety solutions in industrial settings.

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